Planning Your First Trip to Hawaii

If you are going to be planning your first trip to Hawaii there are a number of big tips that you can use in order to have a more enjoyable and more affordable vacation. Trip planning to Hawaii can sometimes be difficult especially because it is a very different environment, food can be expensive, flights can be expensive and it isn’t always easy to know the best types of attractions to go and visit. Here are some tips on planning your first trip to Hawaii so that you can have the best experience possible:

Focus on the islands you want to see: Hawaii is home to many islands and as a result it can be tough to know exactly where you should travel throughout your trip. If you’re only going to be going for a few days you might want to pick just one of the large islands like Oahu as your main destination. Most travel guides recommend to limit travelling across islands and to only go to one island each week. This can help to limit your travel time.

Choose your airfare at the best time: Hawaii experiences some of the best weather from September to mid December and this is also one of the cheapest times for you to go. The only time when a white can be a little more expensive is through mid april and just after Easter.

Try a private vacation rental: if you don’t want to spend the money on staying at a major resort hotel there are plenty of chances to get a vacation rental through a private owner. This is a great way to you can have access to a kitchen and buy groceries. There are plenty of grocery stores throughout Waikiki but keep in mind a large amount of food has to be flown and so prices can get quite expensive.

Book early: because Hawaii is such a big destination it’s very important that you pick out rooms early and a flight early on too. Getting a quality rate on your room and your hotel usually means booking at least a few months early if possible. Quite often with more advanced notice, the better bargains you can get.

Seek out activity centers: Heading to an activity center can often mean getting a great discount on excursions. There are many activity centers such as Tom Barefoot’s tours that can help you save money on activities and split some of their commission with you directly.

Head to big box stores for your souvenirs: if you have a Costco membership or example you can get many of the edible souvenirs from Hawaii like fruits and macadamia nuts at incredible prices. ABC stories and Longs Drugs often have inexpensive souvenirs as well.

Keep some of these top ideas in mind for saving a bit of money and enjoying a Hawaiian vacation like an expert!